You don’t have to travel to Las Vegas to bet on the Raiders football matches, although by all accounts their new home stadium would be well worth the trip when it is eventually open to spectators.
Right now, because of COVID-19, the National Football League (NFL) season is devoid of live fans. But once all this is over, if you have the means and aspirations to travel to Las Vegas, you could be one of the first people to bet on football games onsite.
✅ Elastīgi nomas risinājumi ikvienai vajadzībai ✅ Auto pieejami uzreiz – īstermiņam, ilgtermiņam un ceļojumiem ✅ Drošība un komforts ar 24/7 atbalstu
This follows the NFL’s policy change in February 2020 that allows betting lounges in stadiums.
One of the best options for the current NFL series, which kicked off on September 20, 2020, is to log into totalizators on the Estonian, Latvian or Lithuanian Betsafe betting site and access live video streams of the Raiders and your other favourite football teams in action.
You won’t in any case be able to sit back and relax in the luxury lounge of the brand spanking new NFL stadium and place your bets in Las Vegas style, even if you can travel. But you will have the advantage of being able to watch from the comfort of your own home. And the Betsson Group’s Sportsbook makes it ultra-easy.
The New Allegiant Stadium in Las Vegas
You’ve got to admire Las Vegas for betting on the future and continuing construction of the new Allegiant Stadium through the global pandemic. With thousands of workers on site every day, they certainly weren’t immune from the effects of the virus.
In late May, as many as 31 stadium workers tested positive. The site was sanitized, social distancing enforced, and additional PPE and training put in place.
Work didn’t slow, and the $2-billion Allegiant Stadium was opened on July 31, 2020, just in time for the 2020 NFL season.
Even if you don’t ever get to travel to Nevada in the USA, you’ll get more than a glimpse of the stadium in Betsafe’s live video streams.
Betting on Football Online
The fact that the NFL has allowed stadiums to create betting lounges shows that football isn’t only the world’s most popular sport, it is also hands-down the most popular sport (excluding horse racing) when it comes to betting.
Betsafe knows this to be true and offers an enormous range of global football competitions to bet on. These include everything from the World Cup and Euro qualifiers to international friendly matches.
Live streaming is a popular option for football, tennis, basketball, handball, snooker, and volleyball because it makes you feel as if you are watching sport live … which you are, in a way!
Betsafe’s live-streaming football calendar includes the English Capital One Cup and English Divisions One and Two as well as the top football leagues in Denmark, Holland, and Portugal. You can also watch the Australian, Japanese, Argentinian, and Mexican leagues live.
So, take your pick and kick off when you want to!
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