Foto: | Autors: Ilze Salna | 2025.02.26
This week, a seminar and discussion are taking place in Riga to address the readiness of regional airports for green hydrogen adoption, as well as the practical and legal aspects of implementing hydrogen technologies in aviation.
As part of a project funded by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region cooperation programme, participants from Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Germany, Sweden, Poland, and Finland are analysing the legal and practical conditions necessary for the safe and efficient deployment of hydrogen technologies at airports in the Baltic Sea region.
✅ Tikai uzņēmumiem – stabilitāte un fiksētas izmaksas ✅ Pilns serviss – apdrošināšana, apkope un tehniskā palīdzība ✅ Bez sākotnējā ieguldījuma – vienkārši un ē
Law firm “Evershed Sutherland Bitans” engaged in the project is currently conducting an in-depth analysis of international, European Union, and national regulations in the participating countries. The firm presented its initial findings at the seminar. A preliminary assessment of international and EU strategies, policy planning, and legislation indicates that while certain standards and regulations govern hydrogen production, use, and transportation in airports and aviation, a clear regulatory framework and specific requirements for infrastructure related to hydrogen production and storage at airports are not yet established. While some legal provisions mention hydrogen indirectly, regulations specific to green (renewable) hydrogen (GH2) remain limited.
During the seminar, key stakeholders – including policymakers from the Latvia’s Ministry of Climate and Energy, Ministry of Economics, and Ministry of Transport, as well as aviation industry representatives, the Latvian Hydrogen Association, and other interested parties – agreed that the findings of this research should contribute to proposals for developing regulatory frameworks that facilitate the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier.
One of the strategic goals of Riga Airport is to achieve climate neutrality by 2035. To progress toward this target, the Airport has already introduced electric buses for passenger transportation on the airfield, tested a hydrogen-electric bus, and developed a solar panel park for its own energy needs. Additionally, the Airport has upgraded its energy supply system.
“We are continuously monitoring advancements in hydrogen technology, assessing which airfield equipment could be replaced with hydrogen-powered alternatives in the future. As part of this project, we plan to test a specialised piece of airfield equipment in the near future. However, the availability of suitable hydrogen-powered machinery is only one aspect of the solution. It is equally important to address safety requirements, economic feasibility, regulatory frameworks, national policy goals, support mechanisms for hydrogen adoption, testing opportunities for hydrogen technologies, and other related issues in a timely manner. Close cooperation with policymakers is essential to continue our efforts and explore additional opportunities – especially in an energy-intensive sector like transportation. This is particularly crucial given the current geopolitical challenges, where ensuring the irport’s energy
independence as critical infrastructure is of utmost importance,” said Laila Odiņa, Chairperson of the Board of the Riga Airport.
“We appreciate the commitment of policymakers and industry representatives to advancing regulations that will enhance the role of hydrogen in the future. We hope that the project will identify practical ways to promote hydrogen adoption at airports, establish the necessary regulatory frameworks, and gain the support of policymakers. We are proud to be part of this important initiative and advocate for the use of renewable hydrogen in airports across various applications,” emphasized Māris Vainovskis, Senior Partner at “Evershed Sutherland Bitans”, during the seminar.
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