Foto: Raul Mee / | Autors: | 2025.02.25
Tallink Grupp announces that company’s vessel Baltic Princess, operating on the Turku-Stockholm route, will head to planned maintenance at the BLRT Turku Repair Yard, in Naantali, Finland, from 27 February to 19 March 2025. During the dry-docking, in addition to several regular technical maintenance works and upgrades, the vessel’s will have an extensive facelift of the main passenger areas which will receive a brand new and modern interior design.
Unikāla autortūre tiem, kuri vēlas notievēt, uzlabot veselību, atbrīvoties no stresa un uzzināt, kā vingrot mājās un saglabāt iegūtos rezultātus- 29.04.2025
EUR 787 | Nikos Travel
“The plans for the dry docking of Baltic Princess are quite extensive, with a particular focus on the main passenger areas, which will receive a major facelift. The planned renovation of the vessel’s key passenger areas – including onboard shops, one of the biggest a la carte restaurants, a cocktail bar and ships’ info desk lobby and more – will amount to nearly 4 million euros, which constitutes about one half of the total cost of the planned drydocking. We hope our guests will be really pleased with the result, as it will elevate the travel experience onboard Baltic Princess to a new level of passenger comfort,” Tarvi-Carlos Tuulik, Head of the Ship Management at Tallink Grupp, said.
The renovations on the vessel’s public areas will be visible from the very first moment passengers embark the vessel, such as the completely new info desk lobby, carried out in the crisp and modern Scandinavian style. Also, novel interior design is rolled out across majority of the onboard shops. For the shopper’s delight, the ship’s main tax-free shop will have a brand-new promotion area for product launches and tastings, as well as the self-check-out with four stations will make the shopping experience even smoother. The perfumery and cosmetics shop will feature two spacious entrances. The vessel’s kids’ and gifts shop will also be more spacious than previously and directly accessible from the perfume and cosmetics shop. The new interior design of both the ship’s info lobby and the onboard shops has been created by the Finnish interior design firm Franz Design.
The ever-popular a la carte restaurant Grill House will also be completely refurbished. The new interior design concept for the Grill House restaurant, created by Heikki Mattila, has been already previously launched and very well received onboard the company’s vessel Baltic Queen.
Similarly, the vessel’s elegant Piano Bar will receive a complete makeover, interior design by Marjut Nousiainen.
Passenger vessel Baltic Princess will be temporarily out of service in Turku on 26 February 2025 at 13:00. On 28 February, the vessel will proceed to her scheduled maintenance in BLRT Turku Repair Yard in Naantali, where she will remain until 17 March. During the planned dry-docking, the underwater part of ship’s hull will be maintained and painted, routine overhauls of underwater components, such as thrusters and rudders, will be conducted alongside a number of planned technical works that are not feasible to be carried out during regular operations of the vessel.
The planned maintenance of the vessel, which lasts nearly a month, will be carried out under close supervision of the ship’s class society, and involves experienced technicians from all over Europe for the best result. On 19 March 2025, following the necessary sea trials, Baltic Princess will be back in service from Turku, with a regular departure at 20.15 local time.
All Tallink Grupp’s vessels are maintained on a regular basis according to the international regulation as well as the highest shipowner’s standards. The technical service days are part of the company’s vessels’ regular maintenance and modernisation programme in addition to regulatory requirements whereby the vessels must undergo regular drydocking at least twice in any five-year period.
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